Happy Thursday all!

So you guys remember the “Q and A” video TJ and I did? The one where one of my questions was what my skincare routine was?… The one where I said I used a bar of body soap as my usual facial wash. (Lord, Sophia…)

I really hope no one actually used this as advice because it wasn’t meant for advice! Just don’t do it!

Specifically for my age – some skincare products are beginning to be a NECESSITY to stay ahead of becoming a dried up prune from our desert sun. The wrinkles will come, because that’s life. But I see no wrong in using some extra assistance to age gracefully. So, I definitely need to start implementing more nutrition factors into my skin. And I’m currently looking for a good collagen serum, for full face and eyes! So if y’all can let me know what your favorites are, that would be fan-freakin-tastic! SO ANYWAYS… Yes, I have updated my skincare routine, BUT what about the comfort level of being in your own skin proudly?

It’s taken YEARS for me to get to this point and it probably was that extra kick of becoming a mom and not having time to do my face or I guess MAKING the time because I’d much rather sleep, like let’s be real. OR maybe it’s just the wisdom of growing up that has set in to where I feel so confident wearing absolutely nothing (maybe other than a little mascara) to go out and about. Now that I’m at home, I don’t want to wear a full-face daily and I’ll usually rock my bare face. BUT the last month or so, I’ve been doing a natural, SUPER easy makeup look that’s perfect for our hot summer days with just the perfect amount of coverage, without wearing foundation! PLUS, you can get most of these items at your local Target!

Products used in order of application:

  1. Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser from Maybelline : With a small amount, start from the center of your face and blend into your skin specifically over your Tzone and cheeks
  2. Instant Age Rewind Concealer from Maybelline : Match the Concealer color to your usual foundation color, you want your concealer to blend seamlessly into your actual skin tone. If your concealer is too bright/light, consider mixing some foundation with your concealer before applying. Using my finger, I applied the concealer starting from under my eye out to my high cheek and on the bridge of my nose to minimize some redness.
  3. Born This Way Setting Powder from Too Faced : Using any setting powder that works with your skin/skin tone, apply gently using a brush or damp beauty sponge covering your under eye to set your concealer.
  4. Pressed Skin Perfecter Highlight in Champagne Pop from Becca Cosmetics : Apply small amount to high cheeks, this will give you that perfect summer glow and make you feel like a highlight goddess. Trust.
  5. Micro Brow Pencil by NYX : Lightly apply pencil to fill in brows, don’t go overboard, think as NATURAL as possible!

ENJOY! Let me know if you tried this easy-going summer look💛

2 thoughts on “NAT-ur-AL

    • milkandmoscato says:

      Thank you so much! It’s such a love/hate relationship with my skin. Much more love lately but those damn dry patches sneak in every once in a while🤦🏻‍♀️ lol – happy Wednesday to you!


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