Spring Cleaning: TREAT YO SELF

Ummm… how many of us have that T-shirt that we don’t really wear, we’re not a huge fan, but it’ll do for that one time you don’t feel good about yourself?!.

What the hell guys?!

Why do we even own that shirt?!

I decided from now on, I’m seriously going to rid something I no longer wear whenever I decide to bring a new piece of fashion into my closet. (I’m saying this very loosely, because you know me… but you get where I’m coming from.)

First off – I hit that point where I have been consistently wearing the same items and ignoring a decent 55% of my clothes because I was just over them, the style, the sizes, it’s not my fault my hips grew and no longer fit into that black latex dress I wore on my 21st birthday. Hahaha how embarrassing! But it’s SO refreshing babes. We are constantly growing and what comes with growth?! Change. We are constantly changing and the styles and trends that come with the years are definitely having an influence on what I prefer to have ready to wear.

Let’s talk minimizing: I am NOT one for clutter. Looking at unnecessary stuff just gives me anxiety honestly – like, enough.

I recently decided to order a few spring pieces that I can wear throughout summer and transition with Fall layering as well. I would rather spend on quality and get a piece I’ll love wearing that makes me feel my individuality while I wear it than pay for multiple pieces that I’m not as excited about. This also comes with purchasing pieces that can be styled in different aspects – day to night, can a simple cardigan/blazer dress it up?! Most of the time, yes! You don’t have to have a thousand pieces in your closet to have a wardrobe that you feel proud of, just a few layering items that make you feel comfortable and edgy at the same time!

{After my closet organization party – I’m a color coordinator}

So – I have a challenge for you… ANYTHING that doesn’t make you happy in your closet, throw that shit out! Of course, donate it if you can! Or if you’re like me – I’ll be selling a few of my favs on Poshmark!

Start fresh and move forward! It’s a little ridiculous how a simple task of cleaning out your closet and updating some staples seriously will just make me so happy and feel refreshed, but hey – they’re your clothes and you’re the one that has to wear them.

Happy Friday babes! Enjoy your weekending.


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