Toddler Easter Gift Ideas!

With Easter around the corner I wanted to share some ideas and tips I try to stick to in basically any gifting situation, but now specifically in building your Easter basket for your little! I am a strong believer in getting items that will be put to use in our home – I’m really not one for “filler” type gifts that just end up laying somewhere taking up space – so I definitely try to place gifts that I know Gemma will be excited for! + I’m just going to be honest with you all and say I definitely bought her candies, that aren’t actually for her… glad I got that off my chest😂

I pretty much picked up all these goodies at either Target or Amazon, so easy shopping!

By the way guys, you can shop the products and similar options HERE on my link! & Here we gooo!…

1. BOOKS! Gemma definitely still loves her books so we picked up “Good Night Peter” at Target, this one in particular is very sweet if you’re transitioning your little one into sleeping in their own space, Peter Rabbit is doing the same!

2. SWIMSUIT! The weather’s getting warmer and we have definitely had some days in the sun already. I wasn’t planning on getting a new swimsuit for Gemma just yet, but came across the most ADORABLE buffalo plaid two-piece swimsuit at Target and HAD TO! No shame here – it’s a perfect spring piece and I can’t wait for her to rock it!

3. MAKE BELIEVE! Someone is like her mother, and has been thoroughly OBSESSED with Beauty and the Beast AND shoes (random, I know). I was wandering down the Target aisles – I know, I have a problem – and of course I found a Belle Accessory Set that comes with a twirling wand, crown and shoes! I’m not saying Gemma will freak, but she’ll probably most definitely freak when she sees this😂

I also, came across the sweetest additions for Gemma’s kitchenette! I’ve been wanting to add in food items slowly, but the ones I find are either plastic which the dogs will thoroughly enjoy OR they’re wooden and a bit more expensive so I’d rather hold off until Gem’s a bit older to be more careful. ANYWAYS, I came across the brand Antsy Pants and fell in LOVE! They have FELT play food and products and all the items I saw were just SO cute! No breaking, no dog toys, just an all over better deal, which is completely excited about.

4. CREATIVITY! One of the moms I follow on Instagram had this item in her stories and I wondered why I had never even considered looking something like this up. Found on Amazon, it’s a reusable Chinese calligraphy style cloth – all you need is water and a paint brush! You can “paint” using your water to draw/write on the paper and after a few minutes as the cloth dries, the drawings disappear! Seriously, blew my mind.

Happy Weekending!



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