Toddler Holiday Gift Guide

As promised, I created an easy Christmas and Holiday Gift Guide for all the adults questioning what is, in fact, a good and ideal gift for their littles in their lives. A few of the gifts on the list we did get for Gemma. They're all wrapped and ready for her Christmas morning, and I'm … Continue reading Toddler Holiday Gift Guide

October’s Adventures

What a fabulous Thursday! Happy November everyone🍂 November always brings in more family time, especially as we inch closer to the holidays. With Gemma's age, I really can't contain how excited I am for our traditions this year. She's now able to comprehend aspects that didn't even phase her just months ago. This girl gets … Continue reading October’s Adventures

Happy Birthday

My little darling is turning one this coming Saturday and my heart is filled with complex emotions of joy, pure awe, and amazement. I cannot believe we will have a ONE year old in just days. Everyone that is close to TJ and I knew we were not in the total "parent" mind frame, and … Continue reading Happy Birthday