October’s Adventures

What a fabulous Thursday! Happy November everyone🍂 November always brings in more family time, especially as we inch closer to the holidays. With Gemma's age, I really can't contain how excited I am for our traditions this year. She's now able to comprehend aspects that didn't even phase her just months ago. This girl gets … Continue reading October’s Adventures

California Beachin

YAASS! Happy Thursday Everyone! Our California adventure was definitely one for the books. Gem and I decided to go visit my parents in Huntington Beach, California to get out of our desert's "dry" heat and soak up some waves. Enter Gemma's first plane ride - and she did SO WELL... for a bit. I was … Continue reading California Beachin

Happy Birthday

My little darling is turning one this coming Saturday and my heart is filled with complex emotions of joy, pure awe, and amazement. I cannot believe we will have a ONE year old in just days. Everyone that is close to TJ and I knew we were not in the total "parent" mind frame, and … Continue reading Happy Birthday

Real Talk.

This week I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. Fun Facts: This shit sucks and it comes out of nowhere 3 million+ cases in the US per year PPD can occur in all parents, not just birth mothers. Symptoms may be overwhelming such as feeling hopeless, agitated, sad, anxious, moody, losing interest in activities, oversleeping, unable … Continue reading Real Talk.

Q & A?!

It's a MANIC Monday over here! Laundry, everywhere! But I decided on venturing out and doing a questions & answers blog for my usual Thursday posts! This week for my readers, send me any questions in the email link (or through any of my social media links below) in relation to life, mama-hood, birth, marriage, … Continue reading Q & A?!