Partying like Pineapples

Yeeeeesssssss! Gemma’s first birthday was an incredible experience! Incredibly HAPPY… FUN… OVERWHELMING… exhausting?….. HA. It really was a blast to celebrate our best girl’s first birthday the only way we know how… as some HOT MESSES.

I have a fun time planning and throwing parties but man, I was SO ready for this birthday party to come, specifically since I had been planning it since she was about 4 months old… I know, I’m ridiculous. I wanted everything to be as perfect as possible and was so freakin excited for her birthday theme! Though, when it came down to it… the weather didn’t seem to empathize with what I had planned. We had Gemma’s birthday at Reid Park, a local Tucson park. I had planned the set up, all the balloons and streamers, the tables, EVERYTHING guys… I had it all down to the T.

When we first arrived to start setting up this man was hanging out in our Ramada that we had rented out for the day, which of course was fine… until I needed to start cleaning and decorating which happened fairly quickly. I had finally reached up the courage to ask him to leave (or help set up), and then he starts a conversation going on and on about cell phones and all I could think to myself was GOOD GAWD. I couldn’t just leave him hanging so I continued our conversation as I struggled with placing the tablecloths due to the wind, it was just a typical shit show on my account. I really do love that both Gemma and I have Summer birthday, we were also just that fortunate to have birthdays smack dab in the middle of monsoon season here in Arizona. Usually, the rain will hold off until later in the afternoon but of course, it started to POUR within minutes of us setting up. Mud got everywhere. I couldn’t place the streamers up. It was windy, like what was happening?!…And I only did a couple balloons because the wind was annoying the absolute crap out of me and I was not about to deal with it. Of course I’m thinking this is NOTHING like I planned and was so unbelievably stressed as if Gemma would care at all.

Once our family and friends started arriving, everything I had worried about, I could’ve cared less about. Gemma was going around to everyone, she was so happy and calm the entire day. It ended up sprinkling and raining throughout the party but that didn’t stop any of us from enjoying the games, breaking the piñata, and just enjoying the day. It really was a perfect celebration – and how lucky are we that our loved ones came out to spend that morning and afternoon with us regardless of the weather conditions. It was AMAZING💛

My sweet friend and local photographer, Mandy Feld, was able to capture some great photos of our set-up pre-party! Check them out below.

How effing adorable are those pineapple cups though!? Am I right? I’m so in love with these. I brought a couple of them home and seriously need to have a pool day ASAP so I can pretend I’m sipping a Pina Colada on the beach. The cups along with almost all decor items were purchased through Amazon and Home Goods! Gift bags and goodies – shout out to Target for making it EASY AF for me to put those babies together. And of course, last but never the least, the cakes and pull apart cupcakes came from no other but Safeway, they DECORATE ya’ll and really did an incredible job.

To Safeway, Krispy Kreme, Amazon, Target, and Party City – without you I’d be nothing. 😉

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