Toddler Easter Gift Ideas!

With Easter around the corner I wanted to share some ideas and tips I try to stick to in basically any gifting situation, but now specifically in building your Easter basket for your little! I am a strong believer in getting items that will be put to use in our home - I'm really not … Continue reading Toddler Easter Gift Ideas!

Billy Joel Weekend!

Ahhh! Watch Billy Joel LIVE - check! What an awesome experience you guys! TJ definitely has a soft spot in his heart for this artist, as do I - and of course I probably cried way more than the average person, but whatever. His music means a lot in our home for multiple reasons. SO, … Continue reading Billy Joel Weekend!

Happy Birthday

My little darling is turning one this coming Saturday and my heart is filled with complex emotions of joy, pure awe, and amazement. I cannot believe we will have a ONE year old in just days. Everyone that is close to TJ and I knew we were not in the total "parent" mind frame, and … Continue reading Happy Birthday

Hello Sunshine!

Our Desert Family Photo Sesh is here!🌵 We had to have one last hoorah with our favorite photographer and amazing friend, Holli, before she and her little family move to Germany! We decided to create some family memories here in our Arizona desert, not only to celebrate our little cupcake in the midst of turning … Continue reading Hello Sunshine!

Real Talk.

This week I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. Fun Facts: This shit sucks and it comes out of nowhere 3 million+ cases in the US per year PPD can occur in all parents, not just birth mothers. Symptoms may be overwhelming such as feeling hopeless, agitated, sad, anxious, moody, losing interest in activities, oversleeping, unable … Continue reading Real Talk.