Toddler Easter Gift Ideas!

With Easter around the corner I wanted to share some ideas and tips I try to stick to in basically any gifting situation, but now specifically in building your Easter basket for your little! I am a strong believer in getting items that will be put to use in our home - I'm really not … Continue reading Toddler Easter Gift Ideas!

My Soap & Glory Skincare Routine

Ayoooo! Happy Thursday loves! I'm feeling much more lighthearted and happy thanks to a little date night I had with TJ and our friends yesterday. It was much needed after a bit of a stressful week and let me just say, I am looking forward to a nice bit of Moscato this weekend! I know … Continue reading My Soap & Glory Skincare Routine


Happy Thursday all! So you guys remember the "Q and A" video TJ and I did? The one where one of my questions was what my skincare routine was?... The one where I said I used a bar of body soap as my usual facial wash. (Lord, Sophia...) I really hope no one actually used … Continue reading NAT-ur-AL